CoastFA 93 Hurricanes
Adult Men
Coast Futbol Alliance
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The games listed below have been played in the past year and are used to calculate the team's ranking. The
pluses indicate the results helped the team. Minuses indicate the result hurt the team. Other games had NO affect.
Embed your team's USA Rank on your club or team website by adding the following HTML to your website:
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<iframe src='' frameborder='0' height='100px' width='205px'></iframe>
- Losses NEVER help a team
- Wins NEVER hurt a team
- Game results are averaged so the quantity of games is NOT a factor
- Recent games are weighted higher that older games
- Tournament finishes are NOT a factor
- League games carry the same weight as any other game
- Head to head results will not necessarily move one team ahead of another. A team's final ranking is an average of ALL of their games.